Chapter Four
Part 2
A River of Healing
Ezekiel 47: 1-12
Psalms 46:4 speaks of the River of God: There
is a river, whose streams shall bring joy to the city of God, to the holy Tabernacles of the Most High. We who have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us are His Tabernacles (I
Corinthians 3:16). There is nothing so wonderful as being refreshed by that Living Water.
The prophet Ezekiel was shown a vision of the glorious Temple which Christ shall occupy during His 1000-year Reign. Rivers of life-giving water will issue from His Temple in Jerusalem. Ezekiel 47:1-12 describes the wonderful attributes of this divine watercourse. The further along Ezekiel waded in God’s River, the deeper it got.
We need, by faith, to dwell in the depths of the River of the Spirit, for there is much-needed healing there. There is power in the Spirit of God.
Verse 8 speaks of the “east country” of Palestine, which has always been dry, barren desert country. At present that territory must be artificially irrigated from a scarce water supply
before vegetation can grow there. Sometimes the abuse and hurts of life drain us of vitality, and make us feel like a dead, dry, lifeless shell. When the scathing heat of battle withers the soul like the merciless desert sun, it’s
virtually impossible for you to blossom as a person. It takes a miracle to heal
such deep-seated hurts.
The Lord turns Ezekiel’s attention to the Dead Sea. This is a
huge lake to the southeast of Israel which, at present, can support no life at all.
It is overloaded with salt, because while it receives water from the Jordan River, it has no outlet. One of the greatest hurts of being rejected is that no one wants to receive the love you have to give. You have no outlet for expressing the qualities that make you unique. It makes you feel dead inside. Not even human love is enough
to restore such a wounded heart. It takes the River of the Life of God within.
The salty Dead Sea will someday be changed into a body of life-giving fresh water. We read in verses 8-10: These waters issue out toward the east country and go down into the desert, flowing onward till they reach the (Dead)
Sea. As these waters enter the Sea, the waters of the Sea shall be healed. And
it shall be, that every living thing which comes into contact with the Water
shall live. There shall be a very great multitude of fish, because of the waters
which come to heal the Dead Sea; and wherever the River comes, there will be life.
I believe this substantiates my belief that this wonder will take place during the millennial Reign of Christ on earth,
rather than occurring in heaven. There are no bodies of water in heaven which
require healing, for all the waters there already impart blessing from the Throne of God. Truly this blessed River typifies
the Lord Jesus Christ, Who alone is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE. In Jeremiah 17:13,
Almighty God calls Himself the Fountain of Living Waters. It is He Who will be
the source of that literal River which will proceed from His earthly Throne in Jerusalem.
I have learned to appropriate the benefits of the Kingdom even now, by faith.
I always look to Him to refresh my spirit, to impart guidance and wisdom for daily living, and to give me love far
more genuine than was withheld during my high school days.
A dear minister friend of ours, “Brother George”, often encouraged his flock by quoting verses 7-8: Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord (not people!), and whose hope is in Him. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out her roots by
the River, and shall not worry when hot weather comes, but its leaves shall stay green.
It shall not worry in the years of drought; neither shall it cease to yield fruit. This corrupt world really puts
the heat on us all sometimes. But if we stay close to the River, God promises
us provision and protection, even when people all around us are worrying.
In verse 12 we read of the Lord’s provision for His people during the Kingdom Age: On either side of the River, on both banks, fruit trees will grow, whose
leaves shall not wither away; neither shall the supply of fruit be exhausted. A different crop of fruit will be brought forth every month, because of the waters
(of the River). The fruit will provide food, and the leaves will be used for medicine.
Notice, one benefit is medicine. The resurrected saints will, at that
time, already possess their incorruptible immortal bodies. So, obviously, it
must be the mortal saints who will benefit from this product of those trees. Many centuries later, the apostle John received
a similar vision. In Revelation 22:1-2 he writes:
And He showed me a pure River of the
Water of Life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the Throne of God and the Lamb. In the middle of the city street, and on either
side of the river, was the Tree of Life, which bore twelve varieties of fruit, and yielded its fruit every month. The leaves of this tree were for the healing of the nations. Dear reader, it has taken
me many years to realize these precious truths. The only place I, as a survivor of bullying belong, is to be planted
beside the River of Life. Unkind people will not contribute to your feeling of self-worth.
Their malicious tongues minister only death, and the fruits of their lives are bitter and destructive. The fruit of the Spirit is life-giving and restoring. You
must depend upon the Spirit of God to impart healing to both body and soul, and to water the parched areas of your being with
the sweet love of Jesus. By faith ask the Heavenly Father to pour into you that
same miraculous healing power which will be released to mortal humans who will partake of those blessed leaves during the
millennial Kingdom. All our healing was provided for through the merits of Christ’s
sacrifice on the Cross, which is the Tree of Redemption.
Just Ask the Father
In Matthew 7: 7-11, Jesus gives us an insight into the generous nature
of our Heavenly Father. Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find;
knock, and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks
shall the door be opened. What man is among you, who, if his son asks you for
bread, would receive a stone from you instead? Or, if he should ask for a fish,
would receive a snake from you? If you, then, being sinful, know how to give
good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him?
This same discourse is also related from Luke’s perspective. Jesus
names one specific Blessing we ought to receive from the Father. If human fathers
would not be so depraved as to give evil things to their children who petition them
for good things, surely we can trust God to be true to His promises and to His loving nature and meet the deepest needs
of our lives. In Luke 11:13 Jesus
promises the greatest Blessing of all: If you then, being sinful, know how to give
good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask them?
God is the Giver of every good and perfect gift ( James 1:17). He baptized me into the Holy Spirit when I asked Him, having heard and believed the Scriptures shared
with me by Joan and Lottie and the pastor. Since my Baptism, He has given me some of the nine gifts of the Spirit listed in I Corinthians 12:8-10. He will do the
same for any Spirit-baptized believer Who asks Him.
We may be assailed by visible foes in this world, but they are but the puppets of the evil forces of darkness orchestrating
their words and actions. When we are armed with the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
we are much more able to ward off their insults, and even to rightly influence our adversaries. if these poor captives of
satan refuse to respond to the light which God shows them, they are the ones to
be pitied.
The Refuge of Christ
How blessed, to belong to the Lord. God is our Refuge and Strength, a very
present Help in trouble (Psalms 46:1). My concerns are now His concerns,
and He is a Friend Who sticks closer than any brother. It is so wonderful, being
able to bring all my cares and problems to Him. What sweet deliverance, knowing
that satan has no legal right to attack me, knowing I have the right to call upon the Lord to fight my battles for me. If I were offered the choice, I would probably go home to heaven where everything
is founded on holiness and love. but I know God has me down here for a reason,
and while I’m here I daily look to Him for protection in this evil world. Those
who are converted and know their rights in Christ also know that God is their Defense.
If you are ready to sever ties with this present world of darkness and become a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven,
reach out to God with all your heart, and pray after this manner:
Dear Lord Jesus, this present evil world holds no attraction for me. I have known rejection and abuse, and many sad days where I have felt so all alone. At times I have even dismissed the idea of religion as so much hot air. But You aren’t a religion; You’re a wonderful, loving Savior Who wants to have me as your special
friend. You have given me a glimpse of the beauty and glory of Your loving nature. Imperfect humans, whatever they profess to be, have often let me down, but You are
altogether lovely. You go out of Your way to seek those whom this world despises. You raise up the poor from the dirt and exalt them to be princes in Your kingdom. This world has called me ugly, but You call me beautiful, and have searched through
the darkness for me.
At this time, dear Lord Jesus, I want to respond to that sweet love You are extending to me. I want to love You in return, now and forever. I’m not
just saying this because I need a stronger Being to fight on my behalf, but because I want to be set free from all the garbage
which this lying world has foisted upon me from my earliest youth. I know that
I, even as a victim, have also learned some ugly lessons on how to live, from TV, the movies, and other bad influences. There have been times when I have harbored ill will toward others and ( confess any other sins you can remember).
I ask You to please accept me as one of Your own children. Forgive and wash away every sin, and every bad influence I have absorbed from this evil world. I now acknowledge You as my Lord, and know that God in heaven is My Father, upon Whom
I may cast every care, and turn to for help in time of need. Amen.
Pray for the Baptism
When you, as a born-again believer in Christ, feel ready to receive
the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, offer a sincere petition to your loving Heavenly Father from your heart. If you are quite unsure
what to say, you might pattern your own prayer after this one:
O Gracious Heavenly Father. I
thank You for the kindness You have already shown. You were faithful to
deliver me from the kingdom of this present evil world, and make me one of Your own dear children. I now know Christ as my Redeemer, and am gathered safely into Your Kingdom of Light. I thank you for restoring my shattered sense of self-worth. I
thank You for the unspeakably great price You paid for me, and that You so highly value my soul. If You are for me, who can be against me?
Heavenly Father, I take You at Your Word. I need to be fortified by
the power of Your Holy Spirit, to have His Presence residing in me in all of His fullness. I need the wisdom and the strength
which the Spirit imparts to Your people in this world. I need His comfort, His
refreshing in my thirsty soul. I need the reality of the ever-present Christ-life
manifesting itself through my life. Please, dear Father, send me this wonderful
Comforter which Jesus promised His disciples. Even bestow upon me a prayer language
which I can use to express the deepest needs of my heart to you, for earthly words cannot always convey these things adequately. Human wisdom falls short of Your wisdom, and from now on I want to be led by You and grow spiritually as I learn to walk in Your ways.
Give me the the power not to harbor animosity toward those who have wounded me in the past. Help me to love even the unlovely, for I know I cannot do this in human strength. Grant me Your peace, power, and protection, for You have promised in Your Word that no weapon or words
that are formed against me shall prosper.
I ask all these kindnesses in the Name of Jesus, the One Who shed His Blood on Calvary to redeem me. Amen.
Some of you older people might be reading this book because you were bullied in school years ago. You’re still
trying to cope with the pain of your past experiences, and are looking for answers which will finally bring peace to your
soul. If so, I urge you to meditate on this prayer, and adapt it to your own
particular needs as you offer your own petition up to God:
A Prayer for the Healing of Old Hurts
Dear Lord Jesus, long ago vicious enemies waged war against my soul. They
trampled all over it, and left deep scars.
I find it difficult to love or trust others. Fear of rejection dogs my
footsteps at work or in other situations where I must mix with people. My sleep has suffered, and even my perspective on life has been warped, for my mind is tormented by bad
memories that keep creeping up. Sometimes I can’t help being angry at all
the injustice in this wretched world.
I have tried to rise above those memories. I’ve made every effort to reason the pain away, but
to no avail. I know that time alone does not heal all wounds, and only a miracle
will heal the damage done to my soul.
It is written in Scripture that You bore our sorrows and carried our griefs.
It is also written that You came to destroy the works of the devil. This
lingering hurt and resulting depression are works of satan, the evil fruits of
the hurt others inflicted on me so long ago. As a result of the lies satan spoke through those people, I have had to battle against the feeling that I am unlovely and unworthy of love. I have felt oppressed by the insidious brainwashing of the mass media.
I am tired of comparing myself unfavorably to beauty standards set by the entertainment industry, and still remember
how those ideals of the devil were used as a weapon against me in my youth.
Please, Lord Jesus, have compassion on me. I am so very weak. People who have suffered long-term abuse are tempted to reflect upon old enemies with rage and resentment. Please forgive me. When satan launches
heavy attacks on me, it makes me feel so dead inside. You know it only takes
a tiny spark of provocation to cause all those horrible memories to return in full force. When that happens, I feel like I’m
reliving the whole awful scene again. Please apply the Power of Your own shed Blood to my troubled soul. Let the healing power
of the Holy Ghost surge through my inner being. I ask that You would grant me a miracle of healing every bit as real as that
received by Lazarus, whom you raised from death. For I know, dear Lord Jesus, that You
can make me just as whole as I would have been, had I not endured those long years of abuse. And You would be raising to life
a part of me that has long been dead.
I also realize that healings are often gradual rather than instantaneous. Again,
I know that time alone does not heal, but I do ask You that with the passage of time I would see a fading of the scars left
upon my psyche, until they disappear altogether. Let the glad day come when I
can no longer recall so vividly those wretched years, and my emotional state is just
as peaceful as that of a person whose life has been free of bullying.
Perhaps my peace will be even greater than that of one who has always received abundant love in this world. For I know, dear Lord, that people who have not been forced to cast themselves upon
Your care tend to rely on their multitude of friends to be their bulwark in time of trouble.
And people don’t always stick with each other through thick or thin. They
are not nearly so strong or trustworthy as You.
I ask that every day, You would remind Me of all the evidences, great or small, that You do indeed love me. Let Your dear Spirit remind me of Scriptures You have shared with me about your love
and great faithfulness. Bring to my mind Your Biblical promises of protection,
healing, and power over the devil. Make them come alive to My very spirit.
Cause me to come into contact with those who are full of Your no-nonsense Love, who will be a help to me in my walk
with Christ, rather than a hindrance. Grant me wisdom to know who to confide in, and how much to confide in them, for I know
I mustn’t rely too heavily on imperfect people.
Cause compensation to come into my life for all the harm satan has done. He
has stolen much from me, and it is only right that I should recover my losses. You
have even promised to bruise the devil under the feet of believers in Christ. I ask that You would repay him in kind for what
he has done to hurt me, and cause my Christian testimony to be so effective that it wreaks great destruction upon his Kingdom
of Darkness. May Your Holy Kingdom prevail over all. Amen.
The Lord spoke this specially to me, but I believe I have His permission to share it with you because you just might
see yourself in this scenario.
Prophetic Word Given to Me
You Reap What You Sow
Matthew 19:30; Romans 1:20; I Corinthinas 1:25-31; 15:45; Galatians 5:7-8
Did I not say in My Word, Patricia, that the first shall be last and the last first? In those evil days you often
felt like castoff garbage. But it
was you whom I chose to illustrate the profound revelation that I am the One Who is
able to take those things that are belittled as insignificant and turn them into treasures of gold to testify forever of My
redeeming Love. I the Lord have shown
you loving favor by imparting My Holy Spirit into your innermost being. Upon you have I bestowed the prestige
of being one of My anointed ones Who hear the Word of the Lord and do it. The majority of those who mistreated you only continue
in spiritual darkness.
Truly you have discovered keys in My Holy Word which can unlock each and every one of the devil’s prison doors.
One prison he held you in was Deceit. He deceived you about your own true worth
and even about your value in My sight. He lied to you not only through the words
and actions of others, but even through what they didn’t do and didn’t say.
His lie, repeated over and over:
You are inept, you are unwanted and worthless. Clearly you remember something
which was so routine and insignificant to your classmates that they’ve forgotten it by now. But still, it was a slap in your face, because it happened
not just occasionally but each and every time, without exception: You were ALWAYS
last to be chosen for sports teams in P.E.
You know full well athletics is not one of the special gifts I have bestowed upon you as an individual. But there were others just as inept as yourself in this area. It
was a deliberate ploy by satan to get the others to snub you and put a spirit of shame on you, which I have also driven away
from your life.
It was a very mild form of bullying when compared with what others in far worse shape have endured. But you still felt like your heart was being used for target practice by mean people, and this was just
another pin prick in it.
Some might just wave this away as insignificant. But that is the human way of viewing this sin.
Yes, I do count such a thing as sin. Why? Any action, gesture or word which springs from an un-Christlike attitude is sin. My own Son was once a little child, before growing into adolescence and adulthood. He would take time to play with other children when he wasn’t busy helping Joseph in the carpenter’s
shop. Some of the other children might pull mean tricks on one another and ridicule
each other. But not little Jesus. Not
once did He ever do or say anything calculated to embarrass, hurt or humiliate any of His
playmates. From His earliest infancy Christ was sweet-natured, loving,
kind and considerate toward His parents and His peers.
In His youth Jesus was always respectful towards girls and women. He
did not join in dirty jokes about the local harlot or speculate about what the girls must look like under their clothes. He did not ridicule plain girls or try to “make it” with beautiful ones
in some obscure place. Rather, He took a firm stand against the hidden things of darkness. Those who talked
with Jesus would always feel revitalized and refreshed afterward, never sullied or wounded by the dirty bombs of the tongue.
Even now you are thinking: “Wait!
What about the enemies of Christ, Lord? They didn’t seem to enjoy
Him.” True. Because darkness cannot bear the Light and the two are forever
at enmity. The Pharisees were not refreshed by the words of Christ because they chose not to receive them into their hearts
by faith. Christ’s enemies refused to admit the Light of the World into
their darkened hearts They would not drink from the Wellspring of Living Water,
so they could not be refreshed and revived spiritually by Him.
Still, many would tell you, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill.
It happened so long ago, Patricia, and you’re nit-picking! Not so. Even if My Son had said ONE unkind word to a single wounded soul or told or enjoyed
ONE dirty joke, or made even ONE cruel taunt about a playmate, and never committed another single sin in His entire Lifetime, He would have been utterly ruined by sin just like the First Adam. Then He never could have qualified to bear your sins to the
Cross of Calvary!
Kids are kids, say the ignorant, and you know they’ll always grow
out of it. Not true. Satan’s children grow up to be satan’s adult
servants. Time definitely does not wash away sin. Only the precious spotless
Blood of the Lamb can do that. Jesus was altogether lovely even as a child. It is sin, not youth, which turns a child into a brat and a teenager into a bully. Christ was innocent from the very beginning, and He continues in His sinlessness unto
the end of all ages and throughout eternity. Even small children can sin because
they’re born with the sin nature inherited from Adam. If babies and tiny
children die before they are aware of the nature of sin and their need for redemption, I in My mercy count them as righteous
through the shed Blood of My Holy Son and take them to heaven to dwell with Me. But
those who know full well they’re doing wrong are without excuse!
Without firm, loving discipline and proper training in the teachings of Christ in a Christian home, a little brat
won’t reform. He’ll only grow into a bigger brat who just might end
up behind bars for even bigger mischief.
I said in My Word that you shall reap what you sow. If believers who
make mistakes are allowed to reap the consequences of their actions, how much more severely shall the wicked be judged! Those who went out of their way to hurt others
discover that what goes around comes around. Some of those who gave you a hard
way to go have already reaped bitter consequences even in this life. Some were
divorced, sad to say, for divorce is abhorrent to Me. Others were deserted or
abused by spouses or by people they mistook for friends. Still others were passed
up for promotion at work, and this seemed very unfair to them. They might even
have been first to be laid off when company sales slumped.
They wondered: “I wasn’t any better or any worse than anybody
else in my workplace. Why was I last to be chosen for promotion and first in
line for layoff? Why didn’t they want me?”
It was then they remembered YOU!