In sixty-three I couldn’t flee The war was bigger than me Now I’m standing up For
the child I was Why did you do that to me?
You filled me with fear That terrible year The weakest had to be
smeared But now I’ve grown strong I denounce the wrong Before God Who saw my tears.
You turned a blind
eye When you made me cry But I refused to die You filled me with shame And cursed my name But I’ve survived
satan’s lies.
You tortured me You stomped on my feet I fled for refuge inside That secret place Away
from disgrace Where I postponed my life.
A knife in the heart Tore me apart The Road to Hell did start Imposed
on me By hypocrite creeps Who zeroed in like sharks.
Their nose out of joint Two sows went oink oink Aimed
their fingers to point They laughed and said She’s not MY friend Nor are THEY God’s choice. I didn’t
belong On that trip to sing songs I hadn’t done anything wrong But they kept me out While others sang loud I
shouldn’t have gone along.
In the dining room A strange change in two Who cooed baby talk at my food So
sweet in sixth grade But now the skunk sprays Its popular pitbull perfume.
Flatulent fun Oh, hear the hogs
grunt A table just for one You can’t eat in peace They’re staring at me Too far from home to run.
field trip failed School felt like a jail From which you can’t get bail The teacher’s the warden Her
face was hardened School was a cruel bed of nails.
Scriptures were read Allegiance was pledged By bigots cold
and dead Inside I seethed ‘Cause you saw no need To do the words you said.
God’s love is great Verse
twenty-eight But now it’s time to hate Just look at her Let’s make her hurt We wolves are out to play.
bow our heads To our daily bread Time to go get fed Chow down on lunch Can’t wait for more fun She’s
communist, I bet.
You hypocrite You read Bible bits In so-called “church” you’d sit I think
YOU’RE much worse Your Sunday’s absurd For heaven you aren’t fit.
Without a friend My life
force spent I wished the world would end To get eyes off me So I could be free Of putting up defense.
cold gray day In sixty-three Kids poured out of school with glee Some yankee got killed His voice was stilled They
all forgot about me.
It served him right How dare he fight For folks whose skin ain’t light? Our god
is thrilled ‘Cause he got killed And god is on OUR side!
To hell with her An “it” can’t
hurt Let’s throw her books in the dirt The teacher’s mad ‘Cause she looks sad I heard a wordy
Go kill yourself How dare you tell We’re gonna make you yell Don’t blame it on us If
you make a fuss About the school from hell.
Our father in heaven In HELL, we meant! Halloween will be spent Like
every day Pretending to pray While on God’s love we spit.
Yeah, big bad bully! The DEVIL’S your
daddy! It’s HATE that makes you happy You fake it on Sunday Serve satan on Monday And hope God thinks it’s
Fill up the measure Of sinful pleasure Worshippers of peer pressure When you’ve filled your cup God
will say enough! And rain down His displeasure
You had your big day You went hooray! That yankee’s in
his grave At least SHE’S still here All filled with fear And choking on our hate.
I felt shell-shocked As
I was mocked My schoolwork hit the rocks No grade-taker cared That I got scared I only got more knocks.
you took off When the going got rough Gradebooks were all you loved I couldn’t excel In your unholy hell Of
life I’d had enough.
Like a power blowout My soul shut down No feelings could be found Too little too
late All people are fakes I pulled my shutters down.
Why couldn’t I die? I wondered why Away I couldn’t
fly You put me through hell You broke my health But I’m still around to write.
You made me so sick I
had to quit Along came two cheap chicks Out for more blood Those sows in the mud Said, Why don’t you throw
a fit?
But THEY will be thrown In hell’s trash can below God sits on His Judgment Throne To kick one
who’s down Makes My God frown The winds of judgment blow.
The years flew by Since you made me cry You
vultures hoped I’d die The Judge of the Earth Recorded my hurt And in me breathed new life.
Be kind
to your neighbor What nobler labor To serve the Holy Savior? But you hated Him You served only sin You mocked
me and my Maker.
You called me ugly But God only sees The beauty of Christ in me I fight for the right With
all my might To set oppressed souls free.
You made me feel small But I’m walkin’ tall Since that
awful fall Of sixty-three When full of glee You stomped upon God’s law.
I’m a child of the King He’s
set me free To me He’s everything I’m an heir with Christ His wisdom is mine Who cares what satan
Scorpions sting Satan’s underlings Of his foul cup they drink Their hearts are corrupt Empty
of love Mire and dirt in the sea.
I’ve triumphed o’er you Christ made my life new It’s YOU
who’s gonna lose On the day when the Lord Has the last word And judges you cruel fools.
* * * * *
Scriptures and Comments:
But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast
up mire and dirt (Isa.57:20).* * *Bullies are restless sharks who aren’t happy unless they stir up a big storm of raw
Psalms 5:5: The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou (God) hatest all workers of iniquity * * *So much
for “God loves everybody!”
Psalms 9:17:The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all nations that forget
God * *God funnels evil people into hell just like I funnel salt into a shaker. Wicked people do their little song and dance
but they won’t escape His wrath.
Isa.49:25:I will contend with them that contend with thee and I will save thy
children * * *Don’t mess with God’s kids or you’re cruisin’ for a bruisin’ and achin’
for a breakin’.
…(God) shall break in pieces the oppressor (bully)(Psalms 72:4).* * *Now, who’s the
toughest Being on the block?
Ye serpents (snakes), ye generation of vipers (poisonous snakes), how can ye escape the
damnation of hell?(Matt.23:33)* * *Gentle Jesus actually calls people names in this verse, and He even called mean old King
Herod a fox (Luke 13:32).
What about wolves? Jesus warns us to watch out for them in Matt.7:15. And I doubt he had
the four-footed kind of wolves in mind here.
Are we supposed to shower everybody with the same kind of love and attention?*
* *Matt.7:6: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under
their feet, and turn again and rend (tear) you.* * *Jesus is actually calling unrepentant sinners dogs and swine (hogs) here!
He is warning us to beware of such critters, or they’ll do some serious damage.
Paul wasn’t always soft-spoken
in his rebukes, as in Titus 1:12: One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil
beasts, slow bellies.* * *Paul is actually calling human beings evil beasts!
What about the apostle Peter?* * *2 Pet.2:22:
But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was
washed to her wallowing in the mire (mud).* * *Wonder why none of those “nice” church kids in school never read
this one for morning devotions! Instead, they tended to stick to “nice” portions of Scripture, such as promises
of comfort from God, only to deprive somebody else of that comfort, the hypocrites! If they ever were saved, they returned
to wallowing in the mud.
Matt.23:32: Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.* * *Go ahead, carry on your family
tradition of cruelty and bigotry. Fill up your cup with wickedness till God gets fed up and decides pay day has come. The
wages of sin is death (Rom.6:23).
…to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost
(I Thes.2:16).* * *Only when you’ve gotten as bad as you can get will God pull the plug on you. First you play, then
you pay!
Jude 1:13: Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the
blackness of darkness for ever.* * *The behavioral patterns of bullies are repetitive, like the continual crashing of waves
on the seashore. Just like you take a little shampoo and work up a big lather with it, bullies will zero in on some other
kid’s nitpicking zit and work it up into a big spreading foam of trouble. Bullies wander from place to place, forever
searching for new victims and new ways to create torment for others.
May God hasten the day when He ushers in His
eternal day of peace, and no child ever again cries because he/she is oppressed: Isaiah 14:7: The whole earth is at rest,
and is quiet: they break forth into singing.